Monday, January 16, 2012

The Impact of Ph Levels on Yeast Infections

Much of the symptoms that come from yeast/Candida infections are associated to your body's pH balance. Each of us is at war and we don't have the slightest idea as to what's happening. This report is geared towards understanding the differences between an acidic and wholesome ideas and what the associated consequences are.

So who is the war between? It's you against bacteria, virus, yeasts, molds, fungus, and the big one, cancer. Each day that passes, we're faced with evolving bugs and bacteria that have discovered ways to thrive within our bodies. Antibiotics, our most distinguished weapon, are sadly becoming less efficient and are continually taking a back seat to unyielding strains. It's been said time and time again - germs cause disease and allow conditions such as yeast infections to run rampant.

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What does Alkaline Mean?

- Alkaline is defined as having a pH greater than 7
- Refers to a low attentiveness of hydrogen ions

What is pH?

- Ph is a scale that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is
- The scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 1 being very acid, 7 neutral, and 14 very alkaline
- Ideal pH level is colse to 7.35 and your body fights hard to mouth this level

Our biological terrain is alkaline by found - this includes our body's lymph system, urinary tract, blood, digestive tract, and interstitial fluids. When the chemical balance of the pH level in your blood is shifted even by 2-3 points in whether direction, this dramatically changes the bio-chemistry of your body and in some cases can cause instant death. So now you might ask, what disrupts your body's chemistry? The talk - Acid.

Why is Acid Bad?

The more acidic we become, the tougher it is for our red blood cells to vehicle oxygen a through our capillaries to our vital organs. Without adequate oxygenation, unfriendly molds, bacteria, fungus, and viruses are able to live and prosper. It's for this intuit that Candida/yeast infections develop.

This Example will Help..

Here's an example to demonstrate - if I were to seal the door to my freezer and then unplug it, come check it out in a integrate of weeks, what would I see? I'd see ugly mold, bugs, bacteria, and a host of other micro-organisms that would make me claw my eyeballs out and itch myself silly! Things have grown, but where did they come from? The door was sealed. They were all the time in there - these creatures came alive because we changed the environment! The same idea can be applied to your internal terrain if you shift your environment to an acidic one.

Causes of High Acid

It's not how 'acid' a food or drink may be, its what that food or drink leaves in your ideas after you dispell it. See below for the culprits that leave behind an acid 'ash' in your system:

- Scallops - taste great, but leave an extremely acid ash behind (enjoy, but don't eat them frequently)
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Non vegetarian diets or heavy flesh protein diet with limited vegetables and fruit
- Frequent ingestion of extremely spicy foods
- Stress


You can make immediate convert to your pH level and yeast infections by enhancing your diet. Cut down on your acid foods and growth your alkaline ingestion. Natural green drink powders made up of whole vegetables are also a good start. However, before you start, it's imperative that you get an literal, baseline of what your pH is in your body.

The Impact of Ph Levels on Yeast Infections

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