Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Color Sells

Countless hours of research indicate that color does matter. Observation how fast food restaurants, schools, and professional sports teams all pick determined colors that "represent" them. You already know that colors can propose a mood or attitude, but did you also know that color accounts for 60 percent of the acceptance or rejection of an object or a person? These impressions don't turn overnight. We all have automated color triggers and secret associations about assorted colors. Color impacts our thinking, our actions, and our reactions. Armed with this knowledge, we must take into inventory the association of colors in our persuasion and marketing efforts.

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Color is a great persuasive device. Since we don't perceive what is happening, we don't create a resistance to persuasive color techniques. This process happens at a completely subconscious level. Color is important in marketing, in advertising, and in stock packaging. Colors are not just for appearance--they have significance. The popular food colors are red, yellow, orange, and brown. These colors trigger automated responses in our nervous principles and stimulate our appetite. Fast food restaurants decorate with shades of red, yellow, and orange. These hues are known as "arousal colors" because they stimulate the appetite and encourage you to eat faster. Assess these captivating colors to the calming colors found in fine restaurants. These restaurants tend to use greens and blues in their create schemes, colors which encourage you to stay and linger.

Colors can also be used to attract our attention. The shades that grab our concentration are reds and oranges. The challenge is that each color has multiple meanings; one man might draw one meaning while an additional one man might end an entirely distinct meaning. Red can be captivating to one group and mean "unprofitable" to another. To others it could signal "stop" or "danger." Red can denote boldness, aggressiveness, and extrovertedness, but it also represents anger, danger, sin, and blood. Yellow is known as a fast color and is the first color to register in the brain. Yellow causes you to be alert and watchful. The results of such research explicate why new fire trucks and fire hydrants are being painted yellow.

An captivating study on the use of color occurred at the U.S. Naval Correctional center in Seattle, Washington. The entire retention cell was painted pink, except for the floor. Many inmates at this stage of confinement were hostile and violent. The cell was painted pink to see either the color would have a calming supervene on the prisoners. Each man was only held ten to fifteen minutes a day in these pink cells. After 156 days of constant use, there were no incidents of erratic behavior in the inmates.

What about the color of the pills you take? research has shown that the color of rehabilitation can turn the perception or association of the pill. When scientists studied the drugs habitancy took and the associations they formed of them based on their colors, they found that most habitancy felt white pills were weak while black ones were strong. In an additional one study, researchers gave blue and pink placebos to curative students, who were told the pills were either stimulants or sedatives. The students taking the pink pills felt more vigor while the students taking the blue pills felt drowsy.

Color even enhances the perceived flavor and desirability of the food we eat. For example, orange juice with enhanced orange hue was beloved over naturally colored orange juice and was idea to be sweeter. This was also true for strawberries, raspberries, and tomatoes. The redder they looked, the more they were preferred.
In one experiment, the flavor of coffee was manipulated by the color of the serving container. Two hundred habitancy were asked to judge coffee served out of four distinct containers--red, blue, brown, and yellow. All containers contained the same brand of coffee, yet the coffee in the yellow container was found to be "too weak." The blue container coffee was dubbed "too mild." Seventy-five percent of respondents found the coffee in the brown container to be "too strong" while 85 percent found the red container coffee to be "rich and full-bodied." A similar experiment was also done with women and facial creams. Subjects were given pink and white face creams, which were identical except for their color. One hundred percent of the women surveyed said that the pink cream was more sufficient and milder on sensitive skin.

In an additional one experiment, researchers gave subjects laundry detergent to test for quality. Of course, all of the boxes contained the exact same detergent, but the outsides of the boxes were distinct colors. The test colors were yellow, blue, and a mixture of both. After a two-week testing period, the test groups reported that the soap in the yellow boxes was "too harsh" and the detergent in the blue boxes was "too weak." The detergent in the mixture yellow and blue boxes was "just right." The findings indicated that the yellow represented power while the blue represented clean power.

Common color associations:

Red: strength, power, anger, danger, aggression, excitement

Blue: coolness, truth, loyalty, harmony, devotion, serenity, relaxation

Yellow: brightness, intelligence, hostility, wiseness, cheerfulness, loudness,

Green: peacefulness, tranquility, youthfulness, prosperity, money, endurance, growth, hopefulness

Orange: brightness, unpleasantness, sun, warmth, bravery, invigoration, radiation, communication

Purple: royalty, passion, authority, stateliness, integrity, mysticalness, dignity

White: plainness, purity, coldness, cleanliness, innocence, hygiene

Black: desperation, wickedness, futility, mysteriousness, death, evilness

Gray: neutrality, nothingness, indecision, depression, dullness, technology, impersonality

Application Questions

What colors do you need to use in your presentation, product, or containers that will invoke a desired response?

What color combinations are you using that inhibit your anticipation from feeling comfortable.

What research have you done with our color combinations? Why do you think color matters?

Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way nearby it. either you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be enduringly left behind. Get your free reports at Success advantage to make sure that you are not left watching others pass you on the road to success. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Institution it. create an comprehension of its profound value across all aspects of life."


Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically growth your income, enhance your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and revenue you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince man to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to perform more and perform their goals? What about your relationships? fantasize being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your anticipation is reasoning and feeling, feel more determined in your potential to persuade.

Kurt Mortensen's trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the buyer has come to be exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are admittedly 120 available!

Color Sells

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Monday, January 16, 2012

The Impact of Ph Levels on Yeast Infections

Much of the symptoms that come from yeast/Candida infections are associated to your body's pH balance. Each of us is at war and we don't have the slightest idea as to what's happening. This report is geared towards understanding the differences between an acidic and wholesome ideas and what the associated consequences are.

So who is the war between? It's you against bacteria, virus, yeasts, molds, fungus, and the big one, cancer. Each day that passes, we're faced with evolving bugs and bacteria that have discovered ways to thrive within our bodies. Antibiotics, our most distinguished weapon, are sadly becoming less efficient and are continually taking a back seat to unyielding strains. It's been said time and time again - germs cause disease and allow conditions such as yeast infections to run rampant.

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What does Alkaline Mean?

- Alkaline is defined as having a pH greater than 7
- Refers to a low attentiveness of hydrogen ions

What is pH?

- Ph is a scale that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is
- The scale ranges from 1 to 14, with 1 being very acid, 7 neutral, and 14 very alkaline
- Ideal pH level is colse to 7.35 and your body fights hard to mouth this level

Our biological terrain is alkaline by found - this includes our body's lymph system, urinary tract, blood, digestive tract, and interstitial fluids. When the chemical balance of the pH level in your blood is shifted even by 2-3 points in whether direction, this dramatically changes the bio-chemistry of your body and in some cases can cause instant death. So now you might ask, what disrupts your body's chemistry? The talk - Acid.

Why is Acid Bad?

The more acidic we become, the tougher it is for our red blood cells to vehicle oxygen a through our capillaries to our vital organs. Without adequate oxygenation, unfriendly molds, bacteria, fungus, and viruses are able to live and prosper. It's for this intuit that Candida/yeast infections develop.

This Example will Help..

Here's an example to demonstrate - if I were to seal the door to my freezer and then unplug it, come check it out in a integrate of weeks, what would I see? I'd see ugly mold, bugs, bacteria, and a host of other micro-organisms that would make me claw my eyeballs out and itch myself silly! Things have grown, but where did they come from? The door was sealed. They were all the time in there - these creatures came alive because we changed the environment! The same idea can be applied to your internal terrain if you shift your environment to an acidic one.

Causes of High Acid

It's not how 'acid' a food or drink may be, its what that food or drink leaves in your ideas after you dispell it. See below for the culprits that leave behind an acid 'ash' in your system:

- Scallops - taste great, but leave an extremely acid ash behind (enjoy, but don't eat them frequently)
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Non vegetarian diets or heavy flesh protein diet with limited vegetables and fruit
- Frequent ingestion of extremely spicy foods
- Stress


You can make immediate convert to your pH level and yeast infections by enhancing your diet. Cut down on your acid foods and growth your alkaline ingestion. Natural green drink powders made up of whole vegetables are also a good start. However, before you start, it's imperative that you get an literal, baseline of what your pH is in your body.

The Impact of Ph Levels on Yeast Infections

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Monday, January 9, 2012

coarse Garbage Disposal Problems and Solutions

Most kitchens you assume have the normal appliances like a stove and a fridge and cabinets and a sink. But one thing that seems so definite that you don't even check to see if it's there is a garbage disposal. You would have to be living in a very old house or apartment to find one without a garbage disposal, even then it's possible that the sink as been replaced or a garbage disposal added. As with most necessities, garbage disposals wish care and attention too. So here are a few points to be aware of about your garbage disposal.

How can food be a problem? Garbage disposals are supposed to cut the food down so that it isn't a problem. That is true with most food. There are in effect few exceptions, together with egg shells, coffee grounds, potato and banana peels.

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Egg shells and coffee grounds can be put in the same class of problem. When you put either of these down the garbage disposal the wee pieces will stick to any bit of sludge that might be found in the pipe. You can see how this would rapidly form a clog in the pipes. It would add onto itself until there was no way for whatever to get through.

Potato peels aren't quite the same as egg shells or coffee grounds but can clog your pipes just as in effect and quickly. When you grind up potato peels you create this mashed potato-like, starchy paste that will make a nicely messy clog. Banana peels are like the potato peels, just add to stringy fiber goodness to the mess.

*Keep in mind that bones are not considered food and in no circumstance should be considered able to be taken care of by a garbage disposal.

Lack of Water
Before you turn on your garbage disposal make sure the water is running at a fairly good flow so nothing gets stuck on the spin cycle inside the disposal and wreak havoc. That should be easy sufficient if you run it after doing the dishes. Also, after you've run the disposal and turned it back off, keep the water running another 30 seconds or so to make sure it all is in effect flushed out.

When you don't have sufficient water flow straight through the garbage disposal the waste and mushed up food doesn't make it all the way straight through the pipes and out. Without sufficient water to shuffle it along, the food stops in the pipes and makes a wee home for itself. This can build up to the point where your pipes clog and you have a problem.

Metal silverware won't create a clog or get stuck in the pipes, in fact it would never get past the disposal. Generally, it is the metal silverware that disappears down into the disposal without you realizing it and you don't stop to check and just flip on the disposal. Then you hear that awful clanging sound and jump to turn it back off. While it won't clog, it causes other problems such as damaged spoons, dented garbage disposal parts, or mangled blades. This is an easy fix. All you have to do is check with another piece of silverware, not your hand, if there is whatever down there that shouldn't.

It may be surprising to see this among a list of coarse garbage disposal problems but it still made it on the list. There are two basic types of garbage disposals. One is called the continuous feed garbage disposal. Don't get this disposal if you have wee kids. It would so easy for a lot of dangerous things to happen. A continuous feed disposal doesn't wait to be turned on. Once whatever goes down the drain the abrasive turns on and grinds away; hands, toys, rings, silverware. Don't let your garbage disposal eat what you still want.

Another exciting problem to be noted is how often people use their hands to check if there is whatever in the disposal that isn't supposed to be. Don't use your hand! There are blades in there designed to cut things up small sufficient to make it straight through the pipe law without problems. That disposal won't know the divergence between food and your finger. It doesn't think, it only cuts and disposes.

Lastly, don't put any chemical drain cleaners down your kitchen sink. Not only will you damage the disposal but the chemicals won't do their job as well as they're supposed to, if at all, leaving you with a toxic mess.

coarse Garbage Disposal Problems and Solutions

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Friday, January 6, 2012

How to remove Sour Milk Smell

The odor of spoiled milk is traditionally very difficult to remove. Fortunately, there are some relatively uncomplicated and inexpensive solutions. The sooner you clean the smelly spot, the greater your chances of restoring a fresh scent to your room, house, refrigerator and house-on-wheels.

Aside from that, the smell of spoiled milk can be quite hard to remove on your clothes, especially your baby's clothes, since babies have frequent entrance to milk and are most likely to spill milk on their clothes.

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Baby clothes can be high-priced and the kids grow out of them before they can possibly wear them. Often these adorable limited outfits are passed on to other child; however, even though they are in good shape, they still have that telltale odor of spoiled milk that is approximately impossible to get rid of. As always, there are ways nearby this dilemma.

Sour Milk Smell Removal

Avoid spilling milk if you can. Also, do not cry over the spilled milk if you as a matter of fact spilled it anyway. Do something about it instead.

* To remove stale milk smells, you first need to remove all the spilled stale milk. Use warm soapy water and possibly some washing up liquid and clean up the affected area thoroughly first.

* After the mess has been cleared up, soak the area in white vinegar and mop up with paper towels. Put up with vinegary smell for about a week and after that, not a sign of vinegar smell or that horrible milk odor will remain.

* You can use an air freshener in the affected car to ensure a pleasant smell. Just try to let it dry for as long as possible. Soon, the milk smell will have disappeared from your surroundings.

* Use a market leather cleaner and odor eliminator on the leather upholstery of your car. Your dealer may carry these products. Allow the area to dry completely: residual moisture can cause mildew. Use a hair dryer or fan if necessary, being right not to scorch rug fibers with the hair dryer.

* You can also pour baking soda over the area where milk is spilled. Sprinkle some cold water on top of the baking soda and let it stand overnight. You can vacuum it the next day to remove the residue. If the smell still remains, you can try treating it with an enzyme odor remover.

* Take a bottle of club soda, stick your finger inside and shake to get a fizz going. With your finger still in bottle, spray on the stinky milk stain. Get it wet but not soaking. The smell might be worse at first but that it will go away as the whole thing dries unlike the untreated milk odor, which will only worsen as time passes by.

* You can also use brake cleaner if you're particularly desperate, but use it gradually and only on carpets, rugs or hard surfaces. Just put a small dab on a clean cloth, blot the milk stain and rinse with soap and water.

If it's baby clothes that are affected by the milk stench, then you could do the following: Fill the washing machine with hot water. Fill it at least high enough for a medium load. Add a cup of laundry detergent with one cup of dish washing detergent. Run the machine for a few minutes to mix the composition well. Turn the washing machine off.

Put the smelly baby clothes in the explication in the machine and leave them there. Let them soak overnight in the solution. Then, In the morning turn the washing machine on and let the clothes run through a full cycle. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar is the option stock for general bad odor removal.

Finally, add a second rinse cycle to make inevitable that all the detergent residue gets rinsed out of the clothes. The baby's clothes, as well as your clothes, if you've tried this formula on those as well, will be smelling fresh and clean by the end of the process so be proud of your work.

How to remove Sour Milk Smell

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Guide to conclude How Much to Pay For Your House Cleaning aid

Sometimes it's valuable to use a house cleaning service. Whether your lifestyle is too busy to allow you to clean as usually as you'd like, you want to clean for a special occasion, or you're getting ready to move, a professional could be just the thing you need. However, professional house cleaning services can also get expensive. While they're often worth the price, it's leading to know in strengthen how much you'll end up paying for your service. Here's a rough guide to house cleaning rates, depending on what you need cleaned and how often.

Every house or apartment is different, so you'll find that your house cleaning prices will be based on a amount of things. These comprise how big your home is, Whether you're having it cleaned just once or on a regular basis, how often regular cleaning will occur, how many habitancy live there, the amount of bathrooms and the amount of pets, and similar factors.

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Larger cleaning companies will use a standardized method to hypothesize your estimate. Smaller companies may not have a principles this formalized. Commonly, cleaning franchises charge about seventy-five dollars per hour to have two habitancy clean for two hours. Two hours is often the minimum visit, but this rule may vary between cleaning services.

If you're having cleaning done regularly, you'll find that the first visit often costs more than visits that happen later. That's because additional cleaning may need to be done at first. The introductory visit may be priced by the hour, and your appraisal will be a range, rather than a specific price. If more time is needed than the appraisal includes, expect the cleaning company to taste you for authorization.

If you pick usually scheduled visits, you'll probably be charged a flat fee per visit, with notifications if this needs to be increased. regular cleaning usually costs less per visit than one-time cleaning and introductory visits, and house cleaning rates vary depending on how often you want cleaning to be done. Favorite house cleaning schedules comprise weekly, bi-weekly, bi-monthly and monthly cleaning. Some habitancy have their homes professionally cleaned only for special occasions and holidays.

A one time cleaning of a two bedroom apartment (five rooms, nine hundred square feet), might cost in any place between seventy five dollars and two hundred dollars. This house cleaning price will depend on how much work the aid needs to do in order to get the apartment up to their standards. A single story home with seven rooms, at about thirteen hundred square feet, could cost in any place between one and three hundred dollars, with a two story home over two thousand square feet averaging one hundred fifty to four hundred dollars for a one time cleaning.

If those homes were cleaned on a bi-weekly basis, their prices will change. The apartment might cost between sixty and one hundred twenty-five dollars, the single story home between eighty and one hundred and fifty, and the two story home between one hundred and two hundred dollars per visit. regular cleaning usually secures a valuable discount. You may also encounter services that offer holder deals - three, five, or seven hour one time services for your area and type of home. House cleaning prices will vary by the area, too. Separate parts of the country have Separate mean home sizes and cleaning times, changing how much a aid costs.

Typical services comprise dusting, vacuuming and scrubbing counter tops, sinks, floors and the hood over the stove. However, doing the dishes by hand, picking up items left on the floor, and other services won't be done, and must be performed before the cleaning aid gets there.

Some services will convert bed linen and load dishwashers, and they ordinarily provide all their own tools and cleaning products. Cleaning windows and walls is not usually included, and cleaning an oven or refrigerator can add about twenty-five dollars to your bill. Dusting blinds and other surfaces will also be an additional fee.

Professional house cleaning can be valuable for many reasons, and is a great selection in many situations. However, it's leading to know what you'll be paying going in - after all, no one likes to be surprised with a large bill. Find out well in strengthen Whether you'll be paying a little or a lot for your cleaning.

A Guide to conclude How Much to Pay For Your House Cleaning aid

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

How Do I Eliminate Cat Odor From My Small Apartment?

Although kitty is a very clean animal, he can still furnish a very distinctive odor, especially in a small apartment. The cat odor emanating from your apartment can lead to complaints from your neighbors, not to mention your necessary other if he or she is not a cat lover. In addition, if you move out, you may be required to get rid of the cat odor.

Much of the distinctive cat odor comes from cat urine, cat spray and cat poop. Cat spraying (watch their distinctive posture: they stand right up and lift their bottoms high in the air to spray a combination of urine and pheromones) is both the easiest and hardest cat problem to fix. Easiest because neutering kitty will largely forestall the problem. Hardest because trying to examine why your neutered cat decides to suddenly start spraying is an practice in frustration that can have you pulling your hair out.

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The stink from cat poop is pretty easy to deal with. The first thing to do is ask your vet to recommend the best cat food for kitty. Dissimilar breeds have Dissimilar needs, and not all brands of cat food are available where you stay. Feed kitty right, and he will poop less, and what comes out will also be less smelly and easier to clean up.

Litter training your cat will help to cut down on the stink from both cat urine and cat poop. Use the best cat litter and it will Ant. Eject the smell when kitty does his business in the litter box. Based on reviews from Amazon customers, Odor Lockers Fresh Scent Clumping Cat Litter and Fresh Step selected Scoopable Clumping Cat Litter are the best at controlling cat urine odor. While some cats don't like them, using a covered litter box can supplementary cut the odors from your cat.

Of course, you need to scoop both the poop and pee daily, as well as replace the litter weekly. For some cat owners, this work can quickly turn into a chore. If you feel this way, try an automatic cat litter box. Most cats do not like automatic litter boxes, but if kitty takes a shine to it, your life will come to be much simpler. These litter boxes will detect when he has done his business, and rake or scoop up the poop and pee into a cut off compartment for easier disposal. Many of them claim to be able to last up to one month without the need to replace the litter. Downside is that the litter comes in its own cartridge and is more expensive.

You may also find it helpful to put some kind of odor remover near the cat litter box. Use something based on carbon or activated charcoal. Some cat owners find that the stuff made to get rid of fridge odors also work well for cat odor.

Even when kitty is litter trained, accidents can still happen. In such cases, you need an enzymatic cleaner to undoubtedly get rid of the cat urine odor. A quarterly cleaner just isn't enough. While it will remove the stain, an odor that will attract your cat to pee in the same spot will still remain. An enzymatic cleaner which is often recommended is Nature's Miracle, although any other enzyme cleaner formulated for cat urine will do as well.

These enzyme cleaners are not as cheap as quarterly cleaners, so you may not want to use it everywhere. If you turn on a blacklight (or ultra violet lamp) in the dark, it will illuminate all the spots stained by cat urine. This will help you do a more sufficient spot cleaning.

If you have carpets, remember to clean not only the carpet, but both the backing and the floor underneath the carpet. Don't forget the air vents either. Even though kitty does not pee or spray there, the smell from the rest of the apartment can still soak in there.

Removing or preventing cat odor can be a chore, but is not rocket science. Effect the tips above to forestall issue from the other members of your family or neighbors.

How Do I Eliminate Cat Odor From My Small Apartment?

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