Friday, March 30, 2012

How Long Do Refrigerators Last?

A refrigerator is a staple item in every household. This is the kind of appliance that you can never go without as it is the one that will keep your food fresh. But, how long does it usually last?

That greatly depends on the brand and the built of the appliance. First of all the warranty claim will clue you up on how long it is supposed to last. Usually, 7-10 years is the lifespan of this appliance.

Refrigerator Door Seals

Unlike other appliances, most of us are happy with the refrigerators we have and its functions even though there are more contemporary appliances being sold in the market. We expect to use for many long years.

Like what I said, a good brand can last up to 10 years. However, there are also good brands that breaks down in less than 5 years and less popular brand that can go on for as long as 15 years. It also greatly depends on how you take care of it.

From time to time, it is foremost to check on the parts to see if it is functioning correctly. Always see to it that the condenser is clean. If you see grime and scales forming, you need to do some major cleaning. Otherwise, the cooling mechanism will fail to function.

You should also make sure the evaporator fan is working seamlessly. Unplug the refrigerator and manually rotate the fan. If there is resistance, it might not properly dissipate air inside the refrigerator and may cause an odor to permeate. Also check if the seals of the door shut perfectly. Air might flee causing climatic characteristic changes in your appliance.

If you do quarterly check up once or twice a year, your appliance should work fine for a few more years. You can also prolong its life if you defrost it and see if the condenser is not icy solid. Make sure you do not separate anything. This appliance has complicated systems which a non expert will not genuinely tweak.

When purchasing this appliance, consider buying an extended warranty. Despite the reliability of the brand you are getting, there is still a huge possibility that it will break down sooner than expected. If this happens, you at least have a last resort which is the extended warranty. You can return the appliance for another brand that might be more reliable. This way, you can genuinely make the most out of your buy and you will not have to worry about a broken machine.

How Long Do Refrigerators Last?

liebherr refrigerator

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

safety Features of Appliances

Whether it is electrical or electronic, all appliances come with cutting edge inbuilt security standards. security features differ from one brand to another, but almost all brands follow determined normal security measures. This includes low resistance earth, to safe the user from getting a shock from electricity. Those electrical appliances without earth will have double insulation to avoid electrical shocks. Appliances like toasters, kettles and hair dryers come with dissimilar types of switch technologies that detect any fault in the appliances and cut the power furnish automatically. Popular brands such as Electrolux and Whirlpool come with dissimilar type of child security features. There are security features that consist of dryers that have a latch on the inside door that safe children from being locked inside, and some ovens are adequate with locks on the exterior of the door to prevent children from opening a lit oven.

In spite of all the security built in features, one has to be cautious when using appliances. Never touch metal or stand in water while using electrical appliances. Check cords, outlets and switches of the appliances at regular intervals. Always turn off the electrical appliances and unplug them when not in use. Some of the most ordinarily used gas appliances are gas grills, fireplaces, vent free and vented gas logs, lights and more. All gas appliances must be kept in a properly ventilated space. The cooking exterior of any gas must be keep free of dust and dirt to prevent dangerous clogging.

Refrigerator Door Seals

Though people are aware of all these security features, they do not pay much attention. The U.S. Consumer stock security Commission (Cpsc) has estimated that each year more than a thousand people get injured by electrical or gas appliances. This is in general caused because people overlook security features.

It is recommended to check for the Underwriters Laboratories (Ul) seal of approval before purchasing any appliance. This is a confirmation that the appliances are tested for safety.

safety Features of Appliances

small refrigerator with glass door

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is the Best Juicer to Buy?

People are all the time trying to figure out what the best juicer is. In my eyes, there is no one excellent juicer out there. However, there is such a thing as the best juicer for you! The way I see it, the best juicer for you is the juicer that is going to make you want to juice every day. And of course, that's going to vary from man to person. But not to worry, I've outlined a few separate aspects you should look for to when trying to find that excellent juicer for you!

Centrifugal Juicers

Refrigerator Door Seals

If you are just getting into juicing and you don't want to dedicate very much time to it, you should probably look at a centrifugal juicer. They juice at very high speeds and their parts can be admittedly thrown into the dishwasher.  Quick juice, quick clean up. These are great machines, but they do have some downfalls. They work very well with hard fruits and veggies but they don't work very well with leafy greens or wheatgrass. Additionally, the high speeds that they operate at can help encourage the loss of significant enzymes and nutrients. However, these juicers still produce healthier juice than you can buy in a grocery store. Therefore, if you aren't concerned in leafy greens and you don't need to have the healthiest juice possible, get a centrifugal juicer. You'll love it!

Mastication Juicers

If you are a bit more serious about the nutritional value of your juice, or you want to be able to juice leafy greens, you should be looking at a mastication juicer. They're not all meant for wheatgrass so if you'd like to juice wheatgrass often, make sure you get a wheatgrass juicer. They come in every collection of mastication juicer. Mastication juicers require a bit more time than centrifugal juicers but they produce healthier juice and can be used as a food processor. They come in a few separate variations:

Single Gear

Mastication juicers can either have one gear that chews at fruit or two. Single gear juicers tend to have a lower Rpm, but the juicing process itself is faster. This is because there is only one gear to slow the produce from passing through the chamber so it gets sent through the engine more quickly. Downfall: a slightly lower discharge rate. However, the amount of gears does not turn the juice quality. Therefore, if you are looking for a salutary juicer but you'd like a relatively quick juicing process, this is a great type of juicer for you!

Twin Gear

Twin gear simply means there will be two augers chewing at your produce to extract juice. These juicers produce a very high yield of juice from anything is sent through them. The tradeoff is that the higher yield normally means a slightly slower process. However, if you are passionate about juicing and you don't mind spending that minuscule bit of extra time juicing, this is the excellent option for you!


Cold-Press Masticating juicers have motors that run at a speed between 80 Rpms and 200 Rpms. This range of speed ensures that nutritional enzymes aren't lost to unnecessary oxidation, which is encouraged when juice heats up. In other words, it means the motor is spinning slow adequate to make sure the juice doesn't get heated because when juice gets heated, enzymes escape. A exact must for all condition nuts! Only downside: longer juicing process because of slow speeds.

Price Range

Juicers come in all separate shapes and sizes so you can probably find one to suit your price range. As a normal rule of thumb though, the more costly the juicer, the longer it will last and the more it can cope (and very often, the longer the warranty). If you would admittedly like to begin juicing, consider it an investment. If you buy yourself a cheap juicer that clogs all the time and falls apart, you'll feel as though you've wasted your money and you will find yourself feeling bitter towards juicing. However, if you admittedly want to juice and you do your investigate and find yourself that excellent juicer to suit your juicing needs, you'll be so happy you spent the extra time and money that you'll never stop juicing! 

What is the Best Juicer to Buy?

french door refrigerator white

Friday, March 23, 2012

Purpose of the Refrigerator

The main reckon that everybody needs a refrigerator is too keep food cold. We keep our food cold so that it will not spoil. Spoiled food cannot be eaten as it would cause us to die from food poisoning. We no longer go hunting for our daily needs instead we buy our food from the local supermarkets. When we buy our food then we need a safe place to keep it so that it will remain fresh and not spoil. We need a unit that will furnish us a safe place to keep our food for an extended period of time without fear of the food going bad. The purpose of a refrigerator is to help us keep our foods safe so that we will remain healthy.

Our food is now conveyable to us in refrigerator units so that it remains safe from the constructor to the supermarket to our own homes. We depend upon refrigeration units in order to furnish us with a safe derive method of getting our foods as well as holding our foods. Our basic need in life is food, water and air. The refrigerator keeps our food safe, our water cold and purifies our air. We now can use the notion of refrigeration to make air conditioners in order to cool the air in the summer. The purpose of refrigeration has been to help us survive in our contemporary society, providing us with relax and maintaining a healthful life style.

Refrigerator Door Seals

Just think of today without a refrigerator and where we would be. Life has come a long way and we take all for granted. Just think of your kitchen without appliances, it's kind of scary, isn't it?

Purpose of the Refrigerator

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How Often Should You change Your Air Conditioner Filter

There are some very foremost things that you should do to expand the life of your air conditioner and keep it working at peak efficiency at all times. One of the most foremost things that you can do is turn your air conditioner or furnace filter every three to six months.

Every home is separate and there are many factors that effect how long you should wait in the middle of filter changes. Wait too long and the efficiency of the tool will deteriorate and operating costs go up. turn your filter too often and it's like throwing money away. considering the cost of some filters that could add up to a lot of money over time.

Refrigerator Door Seals

It is foremost to keep in mind that the more efficient your air conditioner filter is the more often it will have to be cleaned or replaced. For most people pleated filters will do an enough job. These filters are ten to sixty percent efficient and some manufacturers claim even higher efficiencies.

Pleated filters should be changed every three to six months. If you live in an area with lots of dust then you should probably turn your filter about every three months.

If you require more efficient air filtration you may want an electrostatic, electronic or even a Hepa filter. The more efficient the filter is the more often it will have to be cleaned or replaced.

Electrostatic filters probably offer the best blend of value and efficiency. You will pay in the middle of two to six times what a good capability disposable filter would cost but you just wash them with water when they become dirty and reuse them.

Electronic filters will never become dirty enough to effect airflow. They just become inefficient and there capability to remove dust from the air deteriorates as they become dirty. To clean these filters you have to remove the electronic cells and soak them in some like Hvac cleaner and then rinse them and let them dry.

Hepa filters are the most efficient filters ready and become plugged very quickly. They need to be checked monthly and often cause too much restriction to airflow to be used at all. An air conditioner undertaker of a package deal will be able to tell you if it is worth trying one of these in your system.

If you are using economy panel filters from your local hardware store and getting a pack of four for five or ten dollars, you are not doing yourself, your family or your air conditioning tool any favours. When it comes to rating filters, these are at the bottom of the list.

These filters do such a poor job you could leave one in your air conditioner for a year and it would not derive enough dust to require changing. The unfortunate thing is the evaporator coil of your air conditioner would need to be cleaned every year to remove the dirt that should have been stopped by the filter.

How Often Should You change Your Air Conditioner Filter

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least control Them

Killing bed bugs yourself can be a daunting task. They can hide under base boards, the back of dresser drawers, behind light switches... just about anywhere. The adult bed bug is about the size of an apple seed and flat, until they feed that is. While bed bugs are not a heath danger (do not carry or forward diseases), they are adequate to keep you awake at night just reasoning about them. A singular bed bug bite can unquestionably be mistaken for a mosquito bite and written off as such giving them time to multiply. Once you find one you can be assured that there are hundreds if not thousands more.

In the long run, a full blown infestation might wish a pro exterminator. After all, how many is to many? Before you resolve to take action, there are a combine of things to keep in mind. Bed bugs can live a year without feeding on a hosts blood (usually you). An adult female can lay 200 - 500 eggs in her lifetime. It generally takes an egg 50 days to mature. So whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or hire a pro, it will take several treatments and constant observation. With that said... If the qoute has not gotten to far out of operate there are several ways to win the fight against bedbugs. The first 3 listed here are required no matter what you do next

Refrigerator Door Seals

1* Wash everything in site in the hottest water you can find. Begbugs start dying off at around 114 degrees F. Then use a dryer on its hottest setting. Not out on the line to air dry. temperature is key. In hot, dry climates (Phoenix for example) it is just as sufficient to out your bedding and cloths in a black garbage bag and set it out in the sun for an afternoon.

2* Vacuum. Vacuum every corner, crook and cranny. Vacuum the drapes, the box springs, the furniture, etc. Vacuum like your life depended on it. Bed bugs are not dirty critters. They don't care about crumbs or old food like cockroaches. But they need vacuumed up and then take the whole vacuum cleaner surface to turn bags... Vacuum again.

3* Steam Clean. Now that you have their attention, combine #1 and #2. Put hot, Hot water in the steam cleaner and go over the room again.

4* Just as sufficient as heat is, cold works also. qoute is that it needs to stay below frozen for 2 weeks to work.

5* Biological warfare. Prior to Wwii beg bugs were all but eliminated. around that time the government outlawed Ddts. Sense then there numbers have been rising and forced tamer chemicals and traps. There are numerous chemicals on the market but nearly all of them are not intended to touch the skin. These are best meant for non-traffic areas, box springs, drapes, etc.

6* Mattress Bags. Depending on the level of bedbug infestation, your best bet may be to discard the mattress all together. For milder cases, the chemicals from #5 can be sprinkled on and injected into the mattress before you seal it in a waterproof mattress bag. They start at about and go up depending on the size needed.

7* Diatomaceous Earth. This is the alternative to harsh chemicals. It is an all natural powder ground up from exiguous tiny fossils of single-celled algae. They even put it in dog food as a preservative. On a exiguous level it has jagged edges that cut and kill the bedbugs as they crawl across it. Basically it is just dirt.

8* Traps and Tape. This is more for monitoring but flypaper, roach traps and the like will allow you to keep tabs on how sufficient your efforts have been so far. And then from any shipping supply store you can pickup duplicate sided sticky tape to wrap around the sides of the mattress. Yet someone else way to trap and monitor bed bug traffic.

9* Thyme and tree leaf oil. These are a repellent more then anything else. It does not kill them. They get a whiff of it and head the other way. But remember that bed bugs can live a year without feeding so they are still reproducing.

10* Neem. Neem oil and neem extract. If you find that you have been attacked by bed bugs, this will sooth the itching and moisturize the skin. Matter of fact it is good for the skin whether you have bed bugs or not. Bonus is that it keeps the bedbugs off of you while sleeping.

There we have 7 ways to kill bed bugs and a few ways to monitor your strengthen in controlling bed bugs. The more you combine the above recommendations the good luck you will have before the need for an exterminator. Just a work of warning though... if you do break down and need to hire an exterminator, they will ask you to clean up anyway before they even show up. Get rid of clutter. ' ziplock ' bag all cloths, bedding, sheets, and so on. Vacuum and basically do everything mentioned above in 1 though 3.

In closing, know that before you begin, it will take weeks and months of constant cleaning, washing, monitoring, vacuuming over and over again to successfully kill the bed bugs throughout there whole life cycle. And hopefully you can catch it before it spreads straight through out the house. All it takes is a combine of stowaways in the laundry, luggage, sleeping bags or any fabric that you tote around.

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least control Them

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